Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training

Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training

Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training

      * Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training
As a teacher, one of my main roles is to motivate all learners to develop their ability and aspiration to learn. You can do this by planning and preparing teaching and learning activities that take account of the needs and well-being of individual learners as well as groups of learners.
Some key aspects of your role as a teacher may be:
  *   carrying out initial and/or diagnostic assessments;
  * clear communication with your learners, other professionals and stakeholders;
  * promoting appropriate behaviour and respect for others;
  * identifying and meeting individual learners’ needs;
  * being aware of the support mechanisms available;
  * being organised;
  * being reflective, which means learning from successes as well as mistakes.

01.02 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - It places a duty on all employers "to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work" of all their employees. Also known as HASAW
Equality Act 2010 - The Equality Act 2010 simplifies the current laws and puts them all together in one piece of legislation. Also, it makes the law stronger in some areas. So depending on your circumstances, the new Act may protect you more.
- sex
- sexual orientation (whether being lesbian, gay,
bisexual or heterosexual)
- disability (or because of something connected with their disability)
- religion or belief
- being a transsexual person (trans sexuality is where someone has changed, is changing or has proposed changing their sex – called ‘gender reassignment’ in law)
- having just had a baby or being pregnant
- being...