Understanding the Management Role to Improve Performance

Understanding the management role to improve performance
ILM Level 5 Diploma
Fady Hmade

Table of Contents
Introduction 3
The Goals and objectives of TSC 4
History of TSC 4
Functional areas 4
Vision, mission and core values 5
Goals and objectives 5
Oman vision, goals and objectives 7
Oman 2015 objectives 9
Conclusion 12
Middle Management 13
Definition 13
Nature of management: 13
Levels of management: 13
The role of middle management in TSC (Commercial unit) 16
Recommendation 17
Communication 18
The elements of communication include 20
Communication skills 20
Communication and the impact 21
Interpersonal skills 21
Communication Barriers 26
Conclusion 30
The effect of Knowledge, Skills and Behavior on the managerial performance 31
Manager self assessment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..34
Personal development plan …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….39
References 40

“The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious” John Scully

In our societies, towns, countries a massive number of organizations exist. But do we all know the purpose of their existence? Do we know why they are all out there? If we look closer inside some of these organizations we might even see that some of their members do not know the reason for their existence.   Clearly setting a vision and mission statements clarify and communicate the purpose and the reason for that existence.
A vision is the ideal picture an organization sees for its future and from that vision strategic plans, goals and objectives can be generated.
Describing the goals and objectives of any organization requires understanding the difference between them.
Goals usually are broad, non-specific, and non-measurable and cannot be attained. They are outcome statements that define what an organization is trying to accomplish, in other words goals are the direction an organization will take and they should be aligned with the vision...