COURSE How to find North at home LEVEL UNIT / MODULE DURATION 60mins
SUBJECT To Find North at Home TOPIC Creating an electromagnet and compass TUTOR Stephen Houghland
AIM To create an electromagnet and compass to find North ATTENDANCE ( M _ F _ )
OBJECTIVES a) To create an electromagnet
b) To create a compass
c) To find North
|Resources: Projector, Laptop/Computer, Handout, Battery, Wire, Tape, Iron nail, Cork, Water, Needle, |Key words: Electromagnet, Compass, North |
|Plastic bowl, Compass | |
|Timing (min) |Core Content |Tutor Activity |Learner Activity |Learning Outcomes. |Essential Skills |Assessment |
| | | | |To enable learners to:- |Opportunities | |
|10 |Introduction |Outline lesson aims and |Listen / Questions |Understand what an electromagnet and |Communication |Q / A |
| |Explain what learners will be doing, |objectives | |compass are and the Mathematics behind |...