Unit 137: Understanding Children’s Development Tori Calderwood
Outcome 1.1: Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development that would normally be expected in children and you people from birth-19 years.
Fine/Gross Skills, Growth and Development |
Birth- 3 months: baby may lift head unsteadily, head and eyes move together, turns from back to side, tight hand grasp.3-6 months: baby plays with hand and toes, makes an effort to sit alone, shows crawling behaviours. |
6-9 months: baby rolls from back to stomach, crawls using both hands and feet, raises self to sitting position, and begins stepping movements around furniture. |
6-9 months: baby rolls from back to stomach, crawls using both hands and feet, raises self to sitting position, and begins stepping movements around furniture. |
9-12 months: baby shows mature crawling, walks with 2 hands held, sits alone unaided and steadily, grasps objects with thumb and forefinger. |
12-18 months: child enjoys self-feeding, walks with one hand held, makes marks with crayons, and by 15 months walks independently. |
18-24 months: child becomes increasingly confident at walking, kicks a moving ball, can build a tower of 4 or more bricks, enjoys scribbling, child can assist with dressing and undressing, moves to music. |
2-3years: child’s self-help skills are improving such as feeding and dressing, draws circles and dots, begins to use preferred hand, and walks up and down stairs using both feet, catches ball when rolled. |
. 3-4years: child can stand on tiptoe, walks and runs forward, throws and kicks large ball, pedals and steers a tricycle, turns pages in book and holds right side up, can draw a face, washes and dries hands with help, can build tower of 10 blocks. |
4-5 years: child can build a 30 piece jigsaw, can brush teeth, can draw a person with head, body and legs, can...