Unit 201 Child and Young Person Development. 1.1

Louise Warriner
Unit 201 Child and young person Development
C – Social, emotional and behavioural development

Infancy – Birth to 24 months
New-born babies can soon recognise parents through sight, touch, smell or hearing their voice. Babies cry and this is sometimes the only way they know how to get people’s attention if they need something I: e nappy change, feed etc. At around 6 weeks’ babies can smile in reaction to something they like and start to learn to enjoy this. Babies very early on will form a strong attachment to their parents/carers
At around 6 months’ babies may show that they are shy to people they don’t know. They still do not know or understand other people’s thoughts and feelings at this point. They may play alone enjoying their own company.

Early Childhood – 24months to 6 years
Now the child is growing they will start interacting with others a bit more and will start using their imaginations whilst playing. They may not grasp the concept of sharing at the younger age and this can lead them to start to feel jealousy to others, they may not be able to deal with these feelings or acknowledge them and this can lead to frustration and what is known as “tantrums.” At around 4/5 years the child will start school, for some children this can be a distressing experience as they will be leaving the comfort of their parents etc. and could show signs of emotional distress whereas for others it will be a stress free experience. Children will start to learn how to respond to different responsibilities during school and will enjoy praise from their teachers etc.

Middle and late childhood – 6 – 11 years
By now children would have settled into their school setting and more of their personalities would have been developed. They will be thinking for themselves now and during this time what others think of them will play a big part in their emotions. They will continue to need praise and encouragement from teachers and parents. They will have...