Unit 301 Communication

Unit 301 Communication and professional relationships with children, young
people and adults
Within this assignment I will be writing about different ways of
communication with children, young people and adults and how I would
deal with or have dealt with situations. I will also be showing that I
understand the legislation policies and procedures for confidentiality
and sharing information including data protection.
It is important that I build positive effective relationships with the children, young
people and adults that I work with, to do this I need to be able to demonstrate
and model effective communication skills in my dealings with others. I must
always consider how I approach people and also how I respond to them. I will be
able to communicate information to one another if I have positive relationships.
Parents and other adults who come into the school are more likely to give
beneficial support if communication is strong and effective – this, in turn,
benefits pupils. It is also important for the children that I model effective
communication skills. This means checking what I am saying and how I say it in
times of stress or excitement, so that they can understand what my expectations
are. If I ask a child / young person to behave in a particular way when
communicating I must remember to behave in the same way being a good role
model for the child / young person. Otherwise, they will find it harder to
understand the boundaries of what is acceptable.
Effective communication and positive relationships do not happen by chance.
You should think about the way you relate to others and the messages that this
sends out. In situations where communication breaks down, misunderstandings
can lead to bad feeling.
Ms Louise Burnham and Mrs Brenda Baker (14 Dec 2010)

The principles of relationship building with children and adults in any context are
that if people are comfortable with each other then they will be more likely to...