Unit 333: Understand how to safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people
Worksheet 1: Legislation grid
|Assessment |Legislation, guideline, |Outline of legislation, guideline, policy or |How does this affect day to day work* with children|How does this link to data protection, |
|criteria |policy or procedure |practice |and young people? |information handling and sharing? |
| |Every Child Matters |This government green paper was created in 2003,|This would affect the children and young people |This links in with Data Protection, the reason |
|1.1 | |after the death of a young girl called Victoria |because it is very important that all children are |being that you as apart of the staff, will have |
| | |Climbié, who died through violence. This was put|working to the best of their ability all day |to ensure that any problems that affect students|
|1.3 | |in place in order to help the wellbeing of |throughout school. This means that they should also|are kept fully confidential from anyone. This |
| | |children and young people. They have a variety |be in good physical health so ensuring that they |would also mean that confidentiality would be |
|1.5 | |of different aims as a whole however the main |are healthy, also making sure that they are in good|linked with this as the information given from |
| | |one that stands out is that it doesn’t matter |mental health to, as this will help to build up |the student is kept safe and locked away to |
|3.2 |...