Unit 4.6 Reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of own teaching, and recommendations for modification as appropriate.
I am reviewing the effectiveness of my micro teach on ‘how local community needs affect occupancy in an early years settings’, based on my own reflection. The group of learners were from a range of different work areas and with this in mind and to ensure inclusion of all learners; I decided to base my session around this subject as I felt all of the learners present could relate to their own community.
I began with an introduction, so the learners were aware of what to expect during the session and its aim. I had produced a case study and handouts based on a scenario relevant to the subject and I gave each learner a copy of it together with supporting handouts. I also presented them with a set of knowledge cards relating to the ‘traffic light system’ so they could identify any prior knowledge at the beginning of the session e.g. green for prior knowledge, orange for limited knowledge, and red for no prior knowledge. As a method of assessment, I asked learners to display these again at the end of the session.
(Gravells, 2007) states most people learn by a combination of more than one style. Considering this, I introduced a ‘gold fish bowl’ activity and asked for volunteers to begin a discussion around the subject. It was intended for all learners to eventually participate and most did, but I observed one or two were reluctant. The activity helped to establish the learner’s knowledge of the subject and also combined two different teaching methods, questioning/answering and group participation. (Gravells, 2007) states that giving the right support is crucial to learning. I agree and supported the learners by intervening in the discussion when I felt it was drying up or when I believed a learner was reluctant to get speak through perhaps shyness. By intervening in...