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Unit 5
Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care
As a support worker it is very important to know definitions of abuse, to be able to identify signs of potential abuse and to be able to identify how to report suspected abuse.
Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, injury or other physical suffering or bodily harm. There are many types of physical abuse, including: hitting, throwing, poisoning, punching, pulling, kicking or otherwise causing physical harm to a person. We can identify physical abuse from bruises, injuries, cuts, lack of personal hygiene or dirty clothing. Physical abuse can affect every person’s life such as physical injury, brain damage, disability, emotional and behavioural problems. It is not right thing to hurt person especially if it leaves cuts or bruises on their skin.
Sexual abuse is the forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another. There are many types of sexual abuse, including: sexual kissing, sexual touching, rape, sexual assault. Signs of sexual abuse can be: waking up during the night sweating, screaming, shaking, complaining of pain while urinating or having a bowel movement, or exhibiting symptoms of genital infections, self-harm, and depression.
Emotional and Psychological abuse includes a range of non-physical controlling behaviours that cause emotional damage and undermine a person’s sense of well-being. Emotional and Psychological abuse including: telling someone they are worthless, controlling who a person is friends with, not allowing them to go out, locking someone in a room or house, telling someone they are fat, ugly and useless. Emotional abuse is often difficult to recognise. It can be very subtle, often being overlooked by a person’s friends and family. The person affected may not even think or feel that abuse is taking place. Emotional abuse can leave deep psychological scars and can seriously damage the...