1.1) Analyse the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision.
The point of supervision is for well worked and accountable performance, in order to continue the professional development of professionals in the care field and beyond. It enables the supervisor to enable and guide the supervisee, to reflect and analyse their own performance in practice, through discussion and observations. This also enables a less experienced supervisee to understand the process and actions towards a particular young person, as well as reflecting on policies and procedures in the company, and the understanding of legislation from the outside bodies. This enables the supervisee to increase their knowledge base as well as reflection on their physical performance to maintain good practice. The reasoning for supervision is to support the supervisee in their cases and in their mental well-being to enhance the overall level of care which is provided. This is done by supporting staff so that they know what they are doing, and are mentally prepared, as well as identifying sufficient training opportunities for them to attend to increase their knowledge and understanding.
During supervision a wide range of subjects can be spoken about, which includes the young person and the work carried out with them and issues they have. Any issues which have taken place can be discussed and a plan moving forward can be established to give the worker an idea and plan for where they need to go to next. Supervision is not just about the workers, young people however and supervision is the best place for one to bring up any grievances that they have with the job or other people. It is also a good place for a worker to talk about themselves and how they are coping to ensure that they have they are not burning out and are able to cope with their case load. Lastly the supervisor and the supervisee can find and identify any training needs either at that moment or in the future.