Unit CU3119
Understand Safeguarding of Children and Young People for Those
Working in the Adult Sector
Written questions
Please answer the following written questions:
CU 3119 - 1.1 Explain the policies, procedures and practices for safe working with children and young people as follows:
* What has been introduced as a result of The Children Act 2004?
The Children Act 2004 was introduced following the tragic death of Victoria Climbie and the public enquiry into the circumstances surrounding her death. The inquiry, chaired by Lord Laming, found massive failings on the part of as many as twelve agencies with a role to play in protecting children. It led to recommendations for a radical reform of services, particularly in the areas of better joined up working and information sharing. The new legislation was accompanied by the launch of a major strategy document for English authorities, Every Child Matters: Change for Children, which is intended to set the direction for the major programme of change in the delivery of children's services.
. Main provisions of the Act are:
* A Children's Commissioner
* A new duty on agencies to co-operate to improve the well-being of children and young people
* A duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
* A power to set up a new database with information about children
* Local Safeguarding Children Boards
* Children and young people's plans
* Director of Children's Services and Lead Member
* A framework for inspection and joint area reviews
* New powers of intervention in failing authorities
* A duty to promote the educational achievement of looked after children
* Ascertaining children's wishes
* Additional items include: private fostering, child minding and day care, adoption review panels, grants in respect of children and families and Child Safety Orders.√
* Summarise the main points of Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006...