
Unit 203 - Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults
      1.1 Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children
In order to build relationship’s you will need to adapt your behaviour and communication accordingly. This may include using the appropriate tone of voice for the situation i.e. warm, encouraging, polite, friendly and with authority. Using positive body language, facial expressions such as smiling, eye contact and gestures will let a child know they have your full attention and show that you are more approachable. In order to make the child feel like an individual and important in a conversation or activity use the child’s name. Establishing ground rules with a child will help them know what is expected of them and achieve mutual respect.

      1.2 Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or a young persons stage of development
Children of different ages and needs will require varying levels of attention and support. Interacting with a nursery or reception stage child gives more opportunity to be comforting and reassuring if they are not familiar with the environment or rules. Your tone of voice can be warm and encouraging. Using clear and concise verbal communication will enable a child to follow instruction. Also try to come down to their level, to avoid intimidating them.  
A child at year 7 stage (age 11/12) will be more opiniated therefore listening will be a core technique. This will help a child get any questions, views or concerns across.   It also needs to consider whether the child has speech and language difficulties, uses English as a second language or has hearing problems as all these will affect the relationship you are trying to build with the child.

      1.3 Describe how to deal with disagreements between children and young people
If your required to deal with a disagreement or conflict it is best to take the children involved aside...