Understand How To Safeguard The Well-being Of Children And Young People
The Children Act (1989) and (2004) set out specific safeguarding legislation to be used when working with children.
The UK is also a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which underlines a child’s rights to be free from abuse.
Working Together to Safeguard Children is a Welsh government produced set of guidelines on safeguarding children and young persons.
Safeguarding a child is about protecting a child from abuse. Though safeguarding also has a much wider remit than simply that. It is about protecting children from danger and neglect, promoting their welfare and preventing any impairment of a child's health and development.
This involves ensuring staff are safe to and capable of working with children in this way through processes such as DBS checking and regular and effective training. High standards of health and safety, risk assessing and a well written and considered set of policies and procedures also help to ensure staff are working to their best of their ability in safeguarding children and young people. Also safe working practises like ID badges, visitors books and registers all contribute to decreasing the chances of abuse or infringements upon the child of young persons well-being occurring
National and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people are a massive and ubiquitous part of day to day work with children and young people.
Nationally, in Wales, practise is guided and informed by The All Wales Child Protection Procedures which outline all aspects of how the Local Safeguarding Children Boards handle things such as referrals, actions and plan should be carried out. Specifically following the principle that all agencies involved with the child or young person are responsible for their safety and encouraging good multi-agency partnership working. This filters down in the form of...