All developing ideas to be completed Specification + 3 design ideas + Justification of final
chosen design + Final Working drawing + parts list.
Aspect of Specification
Testing Methods
The purpose of my product is to develop critical thinking skills, in my end user Anna,
because once acquired it is the dominant general thinking skill. A board game of chess
and backgammon both practical forms of practice for development of critical thinking
because they require rational thinking, forming logical connections, identification of
error within reasoning,and consistent strategic approaches towards problems, which are
exercised and therefore further reinforced and developed throughout play of the games.
Furthermore since these skills are being practiced in board games there is a present
aspect of competition between in individuals that acts as a greater incentive to attempt
to outwit and outlast the other player, creating a need for strategic planning which can
vary from short into long term plans, and consider the perspective and possible moves an
opponent can take in order to further their chance to win.
Ask the target market to
play the games to the best
of their ability, against a
worthy or skill equivalent
opponent, and after ask
whether they believe that
they were being challenged
throughout the game.
Specifically question what
steps they took into
furthering their position into
the game, and then
analyze what subcategory
of critical thinking skills it
required from them to make
those moves.
Target Market
My end user is a peer’s sister, in 7th grade, therefore my target audience is girls, between
the ages of 10 and 12, of any race and culture. As this game is made for pre-teen girl, with
a number of younger siblings it is important to firstly consider that the product should be
constructed into box like structure, with the board games combined, to allow the games
to be...