Chris Darnell Week 4 checkpoint
Picture the Supply Chain
Complete the chart below by outlining the digital content supply chain at Warner Bros. Entertainment.
|Upstream Component |Internal Component |Downstream Component |
|(sourcing/procurement) |(packing/assembly |(distribution) |
| |manufacturing) | |
|Warner’s is teaming up with |Warner’s project, consider that in 2006 the|Warner is implementing digital distribution|
|Hewlett-Packard, which will help Warner |company produced more than 2,500 different |through broadband communications links, |
|utilize their technology resources and |DVDs, delivered more than 180 hours of |DVD, and high-definition television (HDTV).|
|advance their own computer technology by |video programming weekly over its global |Warner’s digital transformation enables the|
|using what Hewlett has to offer them. in |digital media exchange, produced and/or |studio to deliver product |
|the process of digitizing more than 6,000 |distributed more than 50 television series,|electronically worldwide over existing and |
|feature films in its storage vaults for DVD|is in the process of digitizing |new digital platforms. The film industry |
|release, and released numerous films three |more than 6,000 feature films in its |revolves around very short-term production |
|of which earned more than $200 million—a |storage vaults for DVD release, and |and is very expensive. Warner Bros |
|studio and industry record for a single |released numerous films three of which |currently is partnering with |
|year. Warner now has a film version plus a |earned more than $200...