The topic I chose to describe in regards to a time when I had to test a theory is when I had an argumentative debate with my brother over religion. The informal research method that I used was in my approach. I was raised as a Christian (for my parents are strong believers), but I don’t feel as though most of the stories within the Holy Bible are accurate. Ever since I was young, I would say to myself “this doesn’t make sense” in reference to many of the stories, though I do believe in God. My reason being is because I have a pondering theory, which is “How can something, produce from nothing?” I’ve heard of theories such as the Big Bang Theory, which attempts to explain the origin of the universe through purely natural processes, but the questions that arise for me is; “Where did the universe come from?” “How and why is evolution possible?” “If evolution really is the reason for everything, how can something evolve from nothing?” My brother is a 5%’er, in which he believes that black man is God, and white men are devils. He describes the creation of the white man, which according to their belief is due to a black scientist named Yacub, who grafted the black seed/ germ for 500 years on the Island of Pilan until it was no longer the dominate seed. He would then only marry the lighter seeds and allow only the lighter infants to live. If it was a black seed, he would immediately have nurses kill them by sticking a needle in his/ her head. Although I don’t agree with everything pertaining to his belief, there’s truth to find in everything. In the midst of my brother’s message, he inadvertently answered one of my questions, “If evolution really is the reason for everything, how can something evolve from nothing?” He believes everything started from the mind, in which the many atoms and molecules of the universe are thoughts. As I practiced a similar method used by psychologist in active listening, I realized that’s how something evolves from nothing, the mind; which I...