Complete the table by comparing the forms of Hinduism and contrasting them with Jainism.
| |Jnana Yoga |Karma Yoga |Bhakti Yoga |Raja Yoga |Jainism |
| |The spiritual |The spiritual |The spiritual |The “royal” |Jainism means “the |
| |discipline of |discipline of |discipline of |discipline of |path of non-violence” |
|Explain the Meaning |knowedgle and |selfless action. |devotion to a deity |meditation. | |
|of the Name |insight. | |or guru. | | |
| | | | | | |
| | Concerns itself with|concerns itself with | concerns itself with|concerns itself with |- Concerns itself with|
| |enhancing the supreme|directing each |supreme bliss and |mastering not only |the enhancement of |
|Explain the Basic |and unique self. |individual activity |love enjoyment. |consciousness but |self-effort so as to |
|Concepts |mostly favored by |to the supreme will. |- Excellent for |thought as well hence|liberate the soul |
| |people who are |- Mostly favored by |individuals who are |the perfection of |while moving in the |
| |intellectually |action oriented |emotionally oriented.|both the mind and |direction of divine |
| |oriented as its |people. | |body. |consciousness. |
| |practices involve | | |- Has eight...