Week 3 Law

Discussion Questions
  * Assessed: 16-year-old Dannie Mongon signed a 2-year contract with Tenney Communications, which provided him with the following services: free received calls & free nights and weekends. Included was a subsequent clause stipulating that, if the service was suspended due to a lack of payments, the client would be obligated to pay all of the contract’s monthly payments in full. At the end of the third month, Tenney Communications billed Dannie for $1,200 in monthly service charges, overages, and text messages. Dannie informed the company about his lack of money. Tenney sued Dannie and his parents for breach of contract and collection of monies. The company sued the family for the amount of money billed, monthly charges for the remaining months of the contract, plus legal expenses. After analyzing the situation, answer the following questions:  
  * Is the contract between Tenney and Dannie valid? Why or why not?
  * El contrato no es válido porque fue firmado por una persona de 16 años, menor de edad, de acuerdo a las leyes de Puerto Rico esta no tiene capacidad jurídica para firmar el documento.
  * Is the contract null or may it be annulled? Explain your answer.
  * El contrato se considera Nulo- La persona no tiene la potestad para prestar su consentimiento, que es uno de los elementos necesarios para que se lleve a cabo un contrato.
  * As a lawyer, what would be your advice to Dannie and his parents?
  * Que la demanda entablada por la compañía en contra de la joven no va a prosperar, porque para todos los efectos el contrato es nulo. No Obstante los padres pueden ser responsables por la acción de la menor y por qué se hizo uso del servicio de teléfono.
  * What would be your advice as Tenney Communications’ lawyer?
  * Que lo más que pude hacer la compañía de teléfono es cobrarle los 1,200.00 dólares que le adeudan por los tres meses que utilizo y consumió el servicio, los meses...