Week1 Memo

May 24, 2010
MEMO TO: Sales Staff
FROM: Chuck Luu
RE: New Strategic Direction and Implications; Confidential

Hello Team members, many of you may have already known that InterClean are acquiring EnviroTech pending on all the final detail from of our legal department. This is a very exciting time for both companies. As David pointed out in his memo earlier; that the changed of environmental regulation has enabled us to expand our company. We will be the first in the market to innovate a complete and full-service solution package to our customers and our potential of growth is huge. Research data found that the demographic among the two companies is a very good mach and this acquisition enables us to enhance our business to lead and to dominate the market in our industry. In order to help implement this acquisition smoothly, we need to focus on three major things; manager’s behavior, action and practice that could affect the productivity, employment law and the diverse work of our company.
First I would like to point out that as a manager, our behavior can both positively and negatively affect the productivity of our workers. I would like to share with you on some of the data and information that can help provide a positive affect of the productivity of our workers. According to the Gallup Organization study there are 12 statements that they believe would help improve business such as profits, productivity, employee retention, and customer loyalty. (University of Phoenix, 2010). Please refer to Appendix A for the detail of 12 statements. I suggested that we use some of these techniques to boost once again the morality of the team. On the other hand we need to avoid to the idea of eliminating position as a merger takes place. As we saw David’s memo, we will only be expecting some internal structure changes.   We will also be going thru a lot of training to enable us to better align with the new company direction. I will be my best to inform you the latest.
