What is the attitude of different religions towards personal behaviour?
HUM201 World Religions
Olga Gorina
Student number: 2052628
Dr.Chris Johnson
Ireland 2010
“Since human beings are limited in their moral understanding
And in their ability to pursue a moral activity in light of this understanding
Only unconditional obedience to God can ensure right moral behaviour.”
- Journal of Religious Ethics.
Religion is a necessary part of public life, including the spiritual culture of society. It performs a number of important social and cultural functions in society. One such functions of religion is a worldview. In religion as a form of spiritual development of the world, a mental transformation of the world takes place, during which a certain world view, norms, values, ideals, and other components of the vision appear, defining the relation of a man to the world and serving as guides and controls its behaviour.
Religious consciousness, in contrast to other belief systems, includes a system of "peace - man" additional formation - a sacred world, correlating with their world vision of being in general and to human existence.
With ideological function of religion legitimizing function is closely linked. The theoretical foundation of this function of religion has made a major American sociologist T. Parsons. In his opinion, socio-cultural community cannot exist if there are no certain limitations to its members, setting them within certain limits, compliance and adherence to certain institutionalized patterns of behaviour. Specific examples, values and norms of behaviour are developed by the moral-legal and aesthetic systems. Religion provides legitimization, justification of the existence of the value-normative order.
Thus, the main function of religion is giving norms, values and models of mastering nature of the absolute, unchanging, self-contained environment of space-time coordinates of human...