1. What is the purpose of internal quality assurance in learning and development?
In order to answer the question we must first understand exactly what the terms ‘quality assurance’ and ‘learning & development’ mean.
ISO 9000 defines quality assurance as the "part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled".
Hilsdon defines Learning Development as, "a complex set of multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary academic roles and functions, involving teaching, tutoring, research, and the design and production of learning materials, as well as involvement in staff development, policy-making and other consultative activities.”
The practice of learning & development however does not sit solely within the field of education; the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) also recognises its’ role within industry where it may be more commonly referred to as ‘training & development’.
The purpose of IQA in learning and development can therefore be said to be to assure the study process complies with guidelines/regulations by ensuring that the assessment of learning/training takes place in accordance with a set process, to a set standard, by suitably qualified and experienced individuals, all of which is accurately recorded and can be empirically demonstrated. This is part of the methodology that allows the results of learning and development (qualifications/competence) to be recognized and accepted across institutional, national and international boundaries. It affords credibility, ensures quality, accuracy and consistency whilst managing risk. Further, via feedback it serves to support assessors in their own development & allow the identification of issues and trends enabling the whole process to continually evolve and remain relevant.
2. What are the key concepts and principles of internal quality assurance of assessment?
The key concepts of IQA of assessment are: