Change is inevitable; however we can decide how we accept change, whether it is a positive or negative reaction. Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. In the Black Balloon this concept of accepting change is shown by Thomas coming to terms with his brother Charlie’s medical condition. Another story of change being dealt with is by the story of Amy who is a family friend of my peer Caitlin Higgins; Amy faced the transition of being depressed to having a normal happy life. Chris Gardner in the pursuit of happyness created the change in his life from being filthy poor to very well of. There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more risky to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of change. The way we deal with change is what shapes the path our life takes.
The film The Black Balloon illustrates the life of Thomas who tries to live out a normal adolescent life, one with friends, a girlfriend and common teenage interests but is faced with the challenge of his brother’s autistic disability. Even though Thomas has grown up trying to deal with this challenge, he always found it hard to come to terms with the extent of his brother’s condition. During the course of the film the audience is shown the struggles that Thomas goes through due to his brother Charlie. We are shown at the beginning of the film that Thomas is feels humiliated and disapproves of his brother Charlie. This concept is portrayed to us in the scene where Charlie runs away from his home and enters Jacqui’s house (the girl Thomas has a crush on) he is very humiliated in this situation because Jacqui is in the shower, and she has no prior knowledge of Charlie’s condition. In an attempt to avoid humiliation Thomas locks Charlie in his room in order to have a normal conversation with Jacqui. Another point in the film were Thomas is embarrassed is when he is forced to get on Charlie’s school bus that is full of...