Why I Write

Q1: Textual form is used to convey the concerns of the composer. (Why I Write) 
 Aldous Huxley said "the essay is a literary device for saying almost anything about almost anything" this statement resonates with the non-fiction essays of George Orwell as he employs the textual form of the essay as an effective medium for expressing his concerns and perspectives. He selects this textual form as it provides him the tools to connect with a wider audience due to its clear and concise nature. Through Why I write and Writers and the Leviathan he explores universal values such as political ideologies, role of writers and individual action which hold significance in the contemporary world and resonates with my own interpretation highlighting the textual integrity of his works.

Orwell demonstrates his almost unrivalled mastery of the textual form in Why I Write to discuss his own context, personal experience and intentions as a writer as he strives to advocate concerns of universal value. His constant use of past tense and the personal pronoun "I” creates a self-reflective tone Amid his plain writing style and transparent prose in Why I write Orwell establishes an autobiographical structure throughout the essay by utilizing a first person voice engaging the audience through emotional connection. Prominently exhibited within childhood anecdotes such as “I was the middle child of three… and I barely saw my father before I was eight” implying the humility of his isolated childhood through a self-deprecating tone. The use of such personal examples in an otherwise plain textual form engages the reader through empathy but also aids Orwell in positioning the reader effectively to deliver his message and discuss his views. Orwell stresses that like him in his childhood it is the role of the writer to become like an outsider in order to remain free of political bias, preserving individual and textual integrity.
He extends his argument within the body by deploying an...