Wilfred Owen

he central concerns Owen portrays in his poetry revolve around the horrors of war and mass loss of innocence, the final lines in 'Ducle Et Decorum Est' draw together these concerns with the reference to the lie which was told to young boys about war being honourable, which ultimately led to their death. In the poem 'Futility', Owen recreates a situation where a young boy has died portaying the concerns of the horrors of war and the innocence, raising the futile nature of war in which he personally experienced in a fifty hour artilery barrage. In the poem 'Mental Cases' Owne extends the portrayal of the horrors of war, exposing the devastating aftermath on the soldiers mental capacity, having lasting effects. Owens uses careful structure and a variety of language features to highlight these concerns. 
In the poem 'Futility' Owen introduces the loss of a boy who has died in the trenches overnight and a traumatized peer offering the erratic notion to 'move him into the sun' the imperative tone of the command emphasizes the desperation to revive the boy " This was suggested as the sun "awoke him once" the past tense giving a reflective tonE, highlighint the boys innocent origins introducing the concern of innocence. Owen then uses the world "even" adding to this imperative tone "Always it woke him even in France" to emphasize the astoundment that the boy had survived as long as he had on the Western Front as the world France alludes us to. The introduce idea of innocence is a central concern drawn together in the closing lines of Dulce Et Decorum Est. 
Owen further develops the notion of the sun, by first reinforcing the definate nature of the boys death with the repetition of "this morning this snow" as it reminds the reader that the sun could not wake the boy highlighting the futility of moving him into the sun. Owen personifies the sun "the kind old sun" in order to give it a omnipresent complex with religious connotations to portray the sun as all knowing...