Work BreakDown Structures
Sonika Mishra
International Technological University
Time taken for assignment - Two Weeks
When a project is falling behind, referring the work breakdown structure will quickly identify the major deliverables impacted by a failing work package or late sub- deliverable. The work breakdown structure can also be color coded to represent sub- deliverable status. Assigning colors of red for late, yellow for at risk, green for on-target, and blue for completed deliverables is an effective way to produce a heat-map of project progress and draw management's attention to key areas of the work breakdown structure. PAGE 2
The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is used for defining work packages and developing and tracking the cost and schedule for the project. The work is broken down into tasks, each of which has a manager, a responsible institution, costs and schedule, technical scope, and, to the extent possible, a specific geographic piece of the machine.
A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a very important key deliverable for any Engineering and Technological Project. It is a very important project tool, and this paper presents a descriptive illustration of what exactly is a WBS, presenting, in detail, it’s characteristics and the various ways a WBS can be presented, by introducing various examples.
The paper also brings forth the importance of using a WBS in Project management practices.
Work BreakDown Structure
As an essential element of the Planning Process Group (outlined in the PMBOK® Guide, 3rd Ed) everyday practice is revealing with increasing regularity that creation of a WBS to define the scope of the project will help ensure delivery of the project’s objectives and outcomes.
Moreover, the more clearly the scope of the project is articulated before the actual work begins, the more likely the success of the project . The intelligent...