I express my deepest sense of gratitude the GOD almighty for the abundant blessing without which the study would have never been light of the day.
I here by acknowledge my sincere gratitude to the St. Joseph PG and Degree Collage and Ms.Lavanya Registrar, St. Joseph PG And Degree Collage and the Management for giving me an opportunity to undergo MBA Degree Course and to undertake this project work successfully.
I wish to express my deep sense of thanks to our HOD
Dr.T.L.V.Subramanian, Department of Management studies, St. Peter’s University.
I owe my reverential gratitude to my faculty guide Ms Gayatri, for her valuable guidance and suggestions rendered at each stage of the project.
Last, but not Least, I would like to acknowledge the wholehearted support of my parents, faculties, employees and friends who helped me at various stages in completing this work successfully.
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| |Introduction | |
|1.1 |Introduction |12 |
|1.2 |Need of the study |14 |
|1.3 |Objectives |14...