Complete the chart below using information from the weekly readings and additional research if necessary. Include APA formatted in-text citations when applicable and list all references at the bottom of the page.
|Ethical Theory | | | |
| | | | |
| |Utilitarianism |Deontological |Virtue ethics |
| |
|Definition | | | |
| |According to the principle of |Ethical theories that maintain that the |Attempts to discover and classify what might|
| |utility, an ethical decision |moral rightness or wrongness of an action |be deemed of moral character, and than apply|
| |should maximize benefits to |depends on its intrinsic qualities and not|the moral character as a base for one’s |
| |society and minimize harm. |on the nature of the consequences. Holds |choices and actions. |
| | |at least some acts are morally wrong in | |
| | |themselves such as lying or breaking a |Wisdom, courage,...