If the hippocampus a structure of the brain that is needed for emotional behaviour and memory it enables us to remember past memories and create new ones, were to be effected then this could result in amnesia leading to full or partial memory loss
We have 3 types of memory
when we think back on the past this is called the episodic memory
When we need to recall facts this is called Semantic memory
When we need to do things that require skill this is called procedural memory The cerebellum is a structure of the brain used for this memory.
We have 3 types of thought
Semantic thought used when remembering a conversation
Iconic thought used when picturing an image
Enactive thought used when we need to think of mental movements such as braiding hair if I was to describe this to someone I would probably use my hands to show the actions.
The more vibrant and distinct the image the easier it is to recall
Memorising techniques
Linking words with images is a clever technique used by many students to learn a foreign language. Rather than use our semantic memory Michael Raugh and Richard Atkinson demonstrated that with a key word technique experiment we could improve our memory with more ease. The experiment was carried out on two groups each given 60 Spanish words to learn. Group 1 were given the key word technique which meant associating an English word with the Spanish word this word would be the key word then to make a picture in your mind of the key word with the English translation so basically you are creating words and pictures in your mind to create the memory of the word, the more unique the visualisation the better this group achieved 88% pass rate compared to the group 2 that never used the technique and achieved 28%
Putting information into categories is also know as concept formation we have developed this from childhood it enables us to define an object by linking its features. We can explore this further looking at the experiment by...