Your Work Role
Bi. The terms and conditions of your employment are a statement and instruction of what the employer's expect of their staff and your job description. Home-Instead have over 20 key issues to follow they fall in to 4 main sections; Job description- defining the role, responsibility level (eg Care manager, business manager, recruitment and training coordinator and training and support co-ordinator). It might include limits on decision making/who to report to/ or supervised by.
Entitlement - rate of pay/overtime rate, holiday entitlement, sickness absence and pay, pension, expenses and allowances e.g. mileage.
Responsibilities: working hours, dress code, reporting illness/absence, annual assessments, grievance procedures, notice periods for leaving/dismissal, requirements to change working hours.
General: employee obligations and restrictions; not taking other part-time work, intellectual property, confidentiality clauses, loyalty, soliciting business and scope of restrictions
Bii Pay slips/statements should have; the name of the company that employs you, your full name and tax code, national insurance number, the payment date, deductions and adjustments made, for example; statutory sick pay, holiday pay, personal care, specialist and weekend pay. It should also have gross pay and net pay, a summary of pay from year to date including national insurance.
Biii You must inform your employer if you change your name, change of address or telephone number. This is because of possible changes to the schedule and for emergency’s
Bv I follow the data protection act by consenting to the use of my personal data to help my ongoing employment, the company holds data in both paper and electronic form this data may include
Bvi There are many things that I do that contribute to the overall delivery of the service provider, for example I provide the best possible care I can give to the service user and their families effectively being involved in their...