Zodiac Sighns

Zodiac Signs
    There are 12 star sights. And people who belong to the definite sign, have their own character, habits and manners.
     So if you were born under the sign of Aquarius [ əˈkweəriəs ] (21st January- 18th February) you like be free. You have original ideas. Some of your ideas are crazy!
     Pisces [ ˈpaɪsiːz ]   (19th February – 20th March) are friendly and kind. They are good at art and they love music. They often lose things and forget the time.
    Aries [ ˈeəriːz ] (21st March – 20th April)  like jokes, parties and loud music. They are good at sports. They don’t often ask advices. Sometimes they’re a bit selfish.
    The people who were born under the sign of Taurus [ ˈtɔːrəs ] (21st April – 21st May) work hard. They‘re very practical and helpful. They don’t like changes. They like food.
     If you’re Gemini   ([ ˈdʒemɪni ] [ ˈdʒemɪnaɪ ] 22nd May – 21st June) you are a creative and honest person. You like chatting with your friends. You do a lot of things at once.
     Cancer[ ˈkænsə ] (22nd June – 22nd  July)seems strong and selfish. But really he’s soft and sensitive. His character is changeable: one minute he’s happy, the next minute he feels bad.
     Leos [ ˈliːəʊ ]   (23rd July – 23rd August) are leaders. They’re brave and inpatient. They want to be rich and famous one day.
    Virgo [ ˈvɜːɡəʊ ] (24th August – 22nd September) always work hard and choose her friends carefully, because they have to be ideal. They’re responsible and honest.
     If you Libra [ ˈliːbrə ] (23rd September – 23rd October) people like you because you always say nice things. You hate fighting. You want everyone to be happy. You‘re a bit lazy.
    People who were born under the sign of Scorpio[ ˈskɔːpɪəʊ ]   (24th October – 22nd November)  are romantic  but very strong persons. They always get what they want. They’re very good friends.
If you’re Sagittarius [ ˌsædʒɪˈteərɪəs ] (23rd November – 21st December) you‘re friendly and generous.  You spend money...