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LO 4.2 Describe the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line with policies and procedures...
UNIT 5 (CYP Core 3.5) Develop Positive Relationships with Children, Young People and Others Involved in Their Care [pic] Name………………………………………………. Date……………30.11...
CYP 3.6 3.3 When working with children it is essential to maintain confidentiality. Confidentiality arises when a person disclosing personal information and data...
CYP Core 3.4 Support children and young people’s health and safety Introduction Providing a safe environment for children and young people requires knowledge of hazards...
Early identification of speech, language and communication. Play and activities to support the development of of speech, language and communication. CYP Core 3.1...
Children and Young People’s Core Unit CYP M3.2: Promote Child and Young Person Development |Title |Unit 3.2: Promote child and...
CYP CORE 3.1 Understand child and young person development 2.2 Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors...
CYP Core 3.3: Understand how to safeguard the well-being of children and young people. 1.1 There are many legislations that affect safeguarding, some of which are...
CYP 3.1 UNDERSTAND CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON DEVELOPMENT 3 Understand how to monitor children and young people’s development and interventions that should take place if this...
CYP 3.4 – 1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments for children and young people. The...
CYP 3.7 – 2.1 and 2.2 In this piece of work I am going to be looking at positive outcomes for children using the Every Child Matters framework to support children...
CYP 3.3 Task 1: Understand the main legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people. 1. Outline current legislation...
CYP Core 3.1: Understanding child and young person development. By Christopher D Sanders 1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19...
CYP 3.1 / 2.1/3.2/3.3 How development is influenced by a range of personal factors. How a child develops can be affected & changed by lots of different factors...
CYP Core 3.6 working together for the benefit of children and young people. Task 1.1 Multiagency working brings together practitioners from different sectors...
CYP Coe 3.3: understand how to safeguard the well-being of children and young people L.O 1 Understand the main legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures...
DUTY OF CARE AND SAFEGUARDING • duty of care is to keep children and young people safe and to protect them from sexual, physical and emotional harm. Children have a right...
When planning a healthy and safe environment for children I consider the risks, how children might get hurt and how I can protect them for example; INDOOR ENVIRONMENT - The...
Serious Case Reviews When a child dies (including death by suicide), and abuse or Neglect are known or suspected to be a factor in the death, local organisations...
Understand the potential effects of transitions on children and young people’s development Transition is something that everyone has to go through throughout their life...
PIAGET Piaget also believed that children should be actively involved in their own learning and have a play-based curriculum. Piaget agreed that children should be active...
2.1 - Explain why positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people are important It is important for other people to have positive...
Unit 076 Outcome 4 4.1 On accepting any child into our setting we have a settling in policy where we meet the parents/carers preferably with the child in a familiar...
Social and Emotional behaviour from 0-19years: From birth a baby can respond to touch and sound, will recognise a parent or carers voice and will stare at bright shiny...
The sequence of development is a definite order of milestones that children and young people meet and accomplish. Developments in social and emotional, physical, intellectual...
1:Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people's health and safety. 1.1 Describe the factors to take into...
The following legislations have been out in place to ensure schools have the correct policy and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children The Children’s...
7.1 As access to a mobile phone and to the internet can have a number of risks, with an increasing number of children and young people having access to these also...
CORE 3.1 Explain how children and young people's development is influenced by a range of external factors Poverty and deprivation Not all children and...
Naomi Boote STALS level 2 Describe the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults, of the confidentiality of shared information and the...
1.1 Outline current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people A child/young person...
When planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environment and services you need to ensure you can work free from hazards. You should ensure you have adequate space...
5.1 – Explain different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people All types of bullying are a form of abuse that involves repeated...
Task 1 Our school’s health and safety policy states that: Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work...
CYP3.1 1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. Birth to One Year with in the first four weeks a baby will turn its...
1.1 If you work with children, your career is likely to involve close working with other agencies. Multi-agency working is an effective way of supporting children...
Child Development 1.2) The difference between the two starts with the fact that the sequence is the order in which development takes place, for example a baby has to...
EYMP3 Promote children’s welfare and well being in the early years 5 day menu of a healthy and balanced menu | Breakfast | Mid-morning snack | Lunch | Mid...
CHILD DEVELOPMENT CHART Age | Physical development | Communication and language development | Intellectual/ cognitive development | Social and emotional development...
TASK 2C i) Explain the importance of active participation of children and young people in decisions affecting their lives. The importance of active participation...
Abstract—As wireless communications and mobile multimedia services are booming nowadays, systematic research of the...
her way out of her loveless marriage, the appalling table manners of Waverly's gwei lo fiancé (Christopher Rich), or the comic relief courtesy of June's deaf piano...
Asignatura: QUIMICA INORGANICA Carrera: Profesorado en Química – Plan 97 Cuatrimestre: Primero Departamento : Química Fecha Presentación: 15/06/04 Prof. Responsable: Ing...
Las personas viven tomando decisiones, pero esas decisiones están formuladas en un pensamiento crítico. Existen varias definiciones para...
jeg kom hjem drita full. Hun sa bare at bakrusen i morgen kom til å være straff nok. Hun lo når hun sa det. Jeg gikk bare opp og la meg. Jeg fikk en pakke da jeg kom...
Observacoes: Tem que ter cuidado com vaidade do(s) professor(es). Eles precisam entender que o projeto vai beneficiar eles tambem, por exemplo em forma de maior...
spegnerlo, ma Radio Raheem rifiuta. Sal allora prende una mazza da baseball e sfascia lo stereo. Radio Raheem gli salta addosso. Pino e Vito tentano di difendere il...
“MECANISMOS DE DEFENSA” PSICOANÁLISIS Crovetto, Elizabetta Cuevas Guerrero, Marta Martínez Agüero, Antonia Orgaz Camacho, Alexandra Pérez Fernández, Sonia...
Introdução Este trabalho é uma espécie de pequeno manual que, resumidamente, fala dos principais factores a ter em conta antes de se tentar fazer um BlockBuster...
Geografski odsjek PMF-a Seminarski rad iz turističke geografije Razvoj turizma u gradu Daruvaru Turističko geografski položaj grada Daruvara Prema...
Chuẩn bị 2 thấu kính hội tụ (kính vật và kính mắt) là thành phần quan trọng nhất của kính thiên văn. - Kính vật làm một thấu kính hội tụ có tiêu cự trung bình (khoảng vài...
HIỂU ĐÚNG VỀ QUẢN TRỊ RỦI RO Để đối phó với khủng hoảng tài chính, các nhà điều hành đã khởi động lại chương trình quản trị rủi ro doanh nghiệp (Enterprise Risk...
Colecţie coordonată de prol. dr. Dan Grigorescu Coperta şi grafica: Anamaria Smigelschi WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Romeo şi Julieta Traducere de ŞT. O. IOSIF Prefaţă de LEON...
Para un grupo complemetarse tiene que tener algunas estrategias formadas, La integración del grupo es una muy importante. En este escrito vamos a destacar las técnicas más...
Poeta y prosista español, perteneciente al movimiento literario conocido como generación del 98. Antonio Machado nació en Sevilla nació el 26 de julio de 1875. Hijo del...
Santiago Stirling Análisis del carácter de la narradora en Una Historia de Amor Como Otra Cualquiera, analizando trozos del cuento. En la novela “Una historia de Amor...
Flujograma de Procesos Ismael Rodriguez University of Phoenix International Operations Management / OPS/GM 571 Prof. Angel Torres Lopez, DBA 27 de febrero de 2010...
*Historia de la F*ilosofía *M*oderna Prof. Oscar Cruz *Cuevas*, Ph.D. Enrique Rivera *Tomá*s Moro Su vida En 1504, bajo el reinado del rey Enrique VII, fue...
Karls Levits (Karl Loewit/Lёvith), ebrejs, dzimis 1897. gadā Minhenē, miris 1973(79?). gadā Heidelbergā. Kā brīvprātīgais piedalījies 1. Pasaules karā. 1918...