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Judd's Profile
03/20/2015 05:29 AM
Health And Social Care
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50118195.Cu2689 Supporting Individuals...
Cu2667 Explain The Importance Of...
Nvq 3 In Health And Social Care 6.5...
Nvq 3 In Health And Social Care
6.5 Explain The Importance Of...
Analyse The Purpose Of a Range Of...
5.1 Explain The Main Points Of...
1.2 Explain The Main Points Of Health And...
1.3 Explain The Main Points Of Health And...
Cu2667 1.1 Identify Legislation Relating...
1.1 Identify Legislation Relating To...
7.3 Explain Why Risk Assessments Need To...
Explain What Steps To Take Id Consent...
7.2 Explain How Risk Taking And Risk...
Explain What Steps To Take If Consent...
1.2 Evaluate The Use Of Care Plans In...
1.1 Explain How And Why Person Centred...
There Are a Few Ways Of Challenging...
Explain How The Attitudes Of a Worker Can...
1.3 Describe Dilemmas Or Conflict That...