Nvq3 Support Teaching and Learningunit 5 Promote Equality and Diversity

World Cultures and Religions
Sikhism was founded in the 16th century in the Punjab district of what is now India and Pakistan.
Sikh beliefs
Sikhs believe in one God who guides and protects them.
They believe that everyone is equal before God
Sikhism stresses the importance of doing good actions rather than merely carrying out rituals
Sikhs believe that the way to lead a good life is to:
  * keep God in heart and mind at all times
  * live honestly and work hard
  * treat everyone equally
  * be generous to the less fortunate
  * serve others
Sikh Holy Book
The Sikh scripture is a book called the Guru Granth Sahib
These scriptures are written in Punjabi and are greatly respected by all Sikhs as the living word of God.
The holy book is kept on a raised platform under a canopy in the place of worship.
Sikhs take off their shoes in the presence of the Holy Scriptures and also never turn their back on them.
At every festival, they are read continuously from beginning to end, which takes about 48 hours.

The Gurdwara: the Sikh place of worship
Any building where the Guru Granth Sahib is kept is a Sikh place of worship. It is called the Gurdwara ('Gateway to the Guru').
Sikh services are generally held on a Sunday in this country.

Vaisakhi, also spelled Baisakhi, is the festival which celebrates Sikh New Year and the founding of the Sikh community. It was originally a harvest festival in the Punjab before it became the Sikh's most important festival.
The story of Vaisakhi
In 1699, Sikhs from all over the Punjab gathered together to celebrate the local harvest festival of Vaisakhi.
Guru Gobind Singh came out of a tent carrying a sword and requested that anyone prepared to give his life for his religion come forward.
A young Sikh came forward and disappeared into the tent with the Guru. Then the Guru reappeared alone with his sword covered in blood and asked for another volunteer.
This was repeated another four times until a...